My journey with my beloved spiritual father and teacher Master Sha started in May 2017, since I've been a student, learning more and more in depth about self-healing, healing on soul, heart, mind and body level and how to advance in my own soul journey to reach enlightenment in this lifetime. My words cannot express my deepest gratitude in my heart and soul to Master Sha for the opportunity I have to serve all souls to bring about soul healing on many levels, and to spread Love, Peace and Harmony to all humanity on Mother Earth and beyond. Through Radiant You, my wish and dream is to help people to reconnect with their inner self to find tranquillity, love, peace and harmony in life. It is my belief that all people were born with a life path already laid out for them by the Source. Yet, many of us forgotten our inner calling. I am passionate about inspiring and encouraging people to unlock their true soul potential to achieve more in life. A caring and compassionate intuitive healer, helping people through positive thinking, empowerment and compassion to find authentic self, bringing love, peace and harmony into one's life again. I belief that we all have the power to heal our body, mind and soul. I am qualified in a number of holistic modalities as well as Tao Hands and Tao Calligraphy Practitioner, to bring about healing on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level in times of stress, personal and life changes, and spiritual development. “Heal the soul first; then healing of the mind and body will follow” - Dr. and Master Sha

Soul Healing Practitioner/Healer
Radiant You

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